an Indian wonder not known much to Europe, america, or Africa comes first in consideration for its high sap yielding capacity of about 20 to 70 litres per day for about six months period in a year. There are no detailed studies on the multiple variants available in this species. As per first hand information from tribals it is gathered that some palms start yielding from 4-6 years of age up to 25-30 years of age. The general rule of
thumb in any palms is they start yielding sap once inflorescence is formed. We have physically seen many such palms, grown as ornamental ones, in Hyderabad city with inflorescence and fruit clusters. Efforts are on for testing such palms through tapping for sap. Once high and early yielding SUPER PLANTS identified, propagation through tissue culture yield of uniform yield can be enhanced, and yield starting age can be reduced considerably. Having more than one palm can ensure round the year uninterrupted supply. Its starchy sap is quite comparable to milk in terms of nutritional values. Many indigenous people take their sap as ready natural substitutes to food, milk, and water bypassing the process of cultivation, dairy farming, and cooking, saving carbon footprint and working as carbon sinkers in addition. Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778), the father of plant taxonomy, has rightly called the fishtail palm as the king of the plant kingdom. In appreciation of its high potential as savior from starving and thirst the Society named it as ‘Dollar Palm’. Being hardy and tropical they can come up in most of the climatic zones. Being native to a similar habitat of sugar cane, they can replace sugar cane, or sugar beat as sugar crops with about ten times more yield and save much of GHG emissions..Sugar or jaggery from their sap will be fructose based and hence be diabetic friendly loaded with many micronutrients in contrast to empty nutritional cane or beet sugar. It sap can also replace sugar cane as raw material for alcohol bypassing the cultivation process with many times more yield. It can be a great emergency rescuer in times of food shortages, failure of crop to plate food logistics. Thus the dollar palms serve the dual purpose of food system and carbon sinking- a perfect win-win situation.Tapping them daily is easier than cooking, or fun, or less strenuous than daily workout. New technologies to store the sap for a longer period, make sugar, jaggery, confectioneries domestically are available in the market. Availability of these palms in homesteads, vicinity of communities can halt food refugee migrations in regions like Africa and elsewhere. It is pertinent to note that the cost of transportation and distribution of food aid articles is much more than the actual costs of production of the required food itself. Such high sap yielding palms can chip in as saviors from disaster. Such palms can be ever ready to quench the thirst and hunger even in interior hilly areas where food aid is not easy to reach. It is a monoecious palm and a single tree bears numerous fruits, hence easy to spread on a massive scale to reach populations in interior areas.